Foggers vs. Electrostatic Sprayers. And what you need to know to ensure proper sanitation & disinfection.

During the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a substantial increase in demand for sanitation and disinfection services, but not all are created equally..

Ensuring a clean workplace, playground, or home can prevent many concerns when it comes to germs, viruses, and bacteria. Being sure you’ve got the right equipment and supplies for the job provides confidence and safety.

What is the difference between a fogger and electrostatic sprayer? Which is more suitable for my needs?

Having the proper equipment all depends upon it’s intended use. Whether the area is indoor or outdoor, crowded or open, and contains hard to reach spaces or not are all factors to consider.

Fogger systems deliver very small droplets of disinfectant that passively deposit onto surfaces based on the direction of spray, gravity, and enviromental circusmtances. Foggers are best suited for indoor, open areas, without hard to reach spaces. An open-concept conference room, composed of tables and chairs would be a great opprotunity to use a disinfectant fogger. Having no enviromental influences (such as wind) and no obscurely shaped objects or hard to reach sapces makes this an ideal situation. Since fogging systems rely on droplets landing perfectly onto a given surface, they are not suited for hard to reach areas, or places where the enviroment can impact direction of spray.

Electrostatic Spraying systems deliver electrostatically charged droplets that are actively attracted to surfaces, including unexposed backsides of objects, and hard to reach tight spaces; providing 360 degree coverage. The technology works by positively charging disinfection droplets as they leave the machine, creating an attraction to our everyday surfaces. Because electrostatically charged sprayers utilize attractive forces, they are best suited for obscurly shaped objects (such as playgrounds, jungle-gyms) and hard to reach spaces. Electrostatic sprayers are also favored against foggers in the outdoors or areas with substantial enviromental influence.

Which method is favored by professionals in the industry?

At Wash Pro, we tend to favor electrostatic spraying systems for our disinfection and sanitizing services. Due to their ability to cover objects and surfaces a full 360, reaching tight spaces, and clinging to surfaces regardless of enviromental factors. To learn more about our disinfection and sanitation services, and get a free quote, contact us today!


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