What is Gutter Brightening ??
Gutter Brightening is the removal of oxidation that has set-in and discolored the once shiny clean exterior of your gutters. Many refer to this dark discoloration as Tiger Stripes or Zebra Stripes, due to their vertical appearance.
And… What is Oxidation??
Noone can say for certain what is causing the oxidation on your specific gutters. But we do have some theories!
Prolongued exposure to the sun
Emissions, gas, & oils from motor vehicles passing-by
A chemical reaction between the asphalt in roof shingles and the anodized aluminum in gutters
So, How does your process work?
We’re glad you asked! At Wash Pro, we have an arsenal of cleaning chemical and soaps to remove just about any stain or grime, INCLUDING oxidation!
To remove oxidation, we lightly apply our cleaning solution with a chemical sprayer, allow the proper dwell time, agitate if necessary, and wipe away the excess chemical.
THAT’S IT! We’ll leave your gutters looking as new as the day they were installed.